Monday, October 8, 2007

EXTENDED FAMILY - October 2007

Thank goodness families don't stop at parents and children, eh? I've never lived hear so many relatives in my life as I have since we moved to Kentucky. Ok, they're in-laws, but they count! *lol*

In the family into which I was born, there was my father (now deceased), my mother, my brother and myself.

My Dad's brother (RS) had two sons, one of whom is married. My uncle's oldest son is married with at least one daughter.

Dad's oldest sister (SS) had 3 children-two boys and a girl. The oldest son is married with children. The younger son was single at last report. And my girl cousin has children ... but I'm not sure if she is married at this point.

Dad's youngest sister (MW) got married, but never had children.

My mother had only one brother (WB). He and his first wife (who passed on within the last few years), had 3 daughters. My oldest cousin in this family (MT) married, but also had no children. Her sister (CB) never married and has no children. The youngest (BB) never married and died from a drug overdose some years ago.

In my immediate family there is DH, DS1, DS2 and DD.

So, I go from being me (alone in the world) to having 30 living family members (and those are just the blood relatives)!

I'm not even going to get started on the in-laws this month, because neither you nor I have that kind of time! *lol*

What does YOUR extended family look like?

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