Tuesday, October 23, 2007

VACATIONS - October 2007

The last 'vacation' on which my family and I went was last holiday season ... to San Francisco. MIL and her husband lived in S San Fran at the time (they have since moved to Ft Worth, and I've been informed we are going for Thanksgiving ... but THAT's another story.)

It was the first time DD and DS2 had been on an airplane, so I was worried. The Conair crash in Lexington was still semi-fresh in people's minds, so I was worried. We were all traveling on the same plane, so I was worried. (Are you sensing the theme here?). I had gum in case the kids' ears started to pop. DS2's did and it scared him a bit. But I shouldn't have worried (as much.) I was sitting with DD (and she was next to the window). As we started to speed down the runway, she SHOUTED, "Faster! FASTER!!!" *lol*

Our flight from Louisville on Southwest was shortly after 7 am I believe and we were there by 4:30. Admirable, but nothing was open that early...not even the baggage check-in. But we did find the closest parking spot in long-term parking. It is quite difficult to keep three high-energy children safe and entertained in a nearly deserted airport for a couple of hours.

On our plane change in Las Vegas, I wanted to take a turn at some slots ... but it just didn't work out. Later, we arrived in San Jose and "Grammy" (MIL) was waiting and estatic to see us ... well, the kids anyway. While we were waiting for the luggage, she offered to take the kids to the car and come pick us up. Due to certain events in our shared past, I was not in favor of that option. We got out all the same. She had rented a small SUV for the duration of our visit, because her Cadillac (the only kind of car she will drive-don't I WISH!) wouldn't fit us all and the luggage too.

There is, of course, a LOT more to this story, but that will come out over the months. One thing I did vow, was that I would NEVER again travel at December holiday time with the whole family. Well, at least this year, we will be gone (to SLC to visit MY family) and back by December 17th.

I wish I had seen this list for "Navigating the Airport During Peak Times". It's great to see familiy, especially during holidays or birthdays or at family reunions. But give yourself every advantage you can, so the vacation can be a relaxing change, and not just recovery from the trip!

Feel free to post any additional travel tips you may have. Thanks!

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